Friday, December 16, 2016

You gotta love December in Costa Rica (9 days till Xmas) - Our Life in Costa Rica

Christmas in Costa Rica, as it should be - Focus on the Family!

 (Photo of Grecia church with fireworks by Diego Venegas)

During the holiday season almost all Costa Ricans:

  • bring their children to a Christmas tree lighting ceremony
I'm not sure if it was the tree lighting ceremony but last Sunday there was a HUGE celebration in town. Thousands of people from all over the surrounding areas came out. We also planned to attend, but guess what? It was raining REALLY hard and we wimped out -- but not thousands of loyal Ticos! They were out there in the pouring rain. 

Evidently after you have been here for a while, the rain "ain't no big thing!"

These pictures are courtesy of our friends, Prince & Nadine Rich, who took their 3 kids into town and braved the rains to participate in this beautiful celebration. (I feel so bad now) But, he did let me borrow a few pics to show you. 

Thanks Nadine & Prince! 

  • go downtown San Jose to the Central Avenue boulevard for the “Avenidazo”
The avenidazo is the throwing of confetti on the boulevards of the downtown core on Agenda Central.

  • set a Christmas tree and a manger in their living room
The Costa Rica Christmas traditionally centers on the Christ child and Holy Family, and the “Portal” or Nativity scene is an essential element in families’ celebrations. A family’s “portal” often occupies a large space in the living room or a patio. On Christmas Eve, Baby Jesus is placed in the manger just before the family, dressed in their best clothes, goes to Christmas Midnight Mass 'Misa de Gallo' (Mass of the Rooster). The three Kings are placed on Jan 6th. 

I am not kidding when I say manger frames, materials to build the mangers, and the figures that go inside (animals, wise men, Mary, Joseph etc) are everywhere! I have NEVER seen so many mangers in my life! Many are very ornate and very big. (I know I saw one big enough for Lavanson to lie down in!!) Along with lots of flashing Christmas lights and managers in the yards, you get to see it all, as you drive through the towns. Quite a beautiful sight!

Here is the one in Grecia Central -- in the park in front of the red church

And here are my 3 pics for today

This, my friends, was supposed to be...oatmeal raisin almond cookies!
I call myself baking for the holidays and all. 
If you don't recognize them as such, it's because -- this is what happens when you don't use a high altitude recipe and you are at 4,300 ft
Oatmeal Cookies you can eat with a spoon!

Ms Lola

TGIF and see you tomorrow!
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