Thursday, May 19, 2016

Not a "Perfect" Paradise - Relocation Costa Rica

Everything changes - Nothing remains the same......

Today's post is about change and how it often occurs without any warning.

I have mentioned on several occasions that we met up with some very interesting expats when we visited Costa Rica last year. We formed friendships with some of them and were planning to get to know them better once we relocated.

Things however, do not always go as planned. We found out last week that 4 of them have decided to leave Costa Rica and explore other countries. Now, I cannot truthfully say that this did not shock us because it did  -- but I am quickly reminded of two things we were told when we decided to embark upon this journey.

ONE - Be flexible and stay open to change!! It's definitely going to happen.

TWO - Costa Rica is not for everyone. As a matter of fact, if my memory serves me correctly, most expats who move to Costa Rica are gone within 3 years. This happens for a multitude of reasons. Each is personal.

So we get it, but we don't have to like it!! LOL

Anyway, here are 3 of their recent videos explaining their decision - 1st one is a good bye to Costa Rica and Friends, the 2nd one is about "why" they left and the 3rd one is an update on where they will be making their next home.

Even though we are sad, we wish them the best and hope that our paths will cross again some day!!

"All things must change to something new, to something different."
 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
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