Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Introducing the "Rockers" - Our first furniture purchase in Costa Rica

Marcelo (our landlord) is such a nice guy!! I had no way to get the chairs home on Saturday, so he got a pick up on Sunday and drove all the way from San Jose (45 mins) where he lives, back to Sarchi, picked up the chairs and delivered them to me in Grecia, in the middle of a terrible rain storm!

I have been looking for the history of the chair and trying to find out what the significance of each of the symbols are. But so far this is all I could find...

In 1908, together with the typical cart (national symbol), the famous Sarchí chair was born in the workshop "La Hacienda" in Sarchí (which means in Huetar language "open field"), the most modern coffee process exploitation machines, sawmills and workshops for the wood industry of the epoch where found there. This chair was made by Mr. Daniel Alfaro Corrales, whose brother a few years later, in 1914, would give life to the chair industry and created in 1928 the folding rocking chair.
Source unknown  
Luis gave us his seal of approval

these are the high back Toucan design chairs - there is a medium back option as well

still looking for just the right table to go in between 

They're certified GENUINE - made in "Costa Rica"

BTW - (although our sales person was camera shy)  the rockers came from
Cuyo Rodriguez S.A. 
Muebles Genizaro Y Guanacaste

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  1. Thank you so much for documenting your life in Grecia. I know you have a book in you! I appreciate the way you research your subject and provide information that is interesting and memorable. I look forward to your posts!

  2. Hey Linda - Thank you so much for following the journey. Really appreciate you and your comment!!
