In the beginning...
Panama has a good sized expat population and is a popular relocation and retirement destination for many people. If you are considering moving abroad and settling in Central America, Panama has probably come up on the list of possibilities. And so it was with our group. Half of our group has not yet decided on a permanent location and the other half, although happily living in Grecia, had wondered about how it would be living in the Boquete or the Bocas del Toro area of Panama (as we had not visited first hand).
After a fun and successful bus trip to Earth University, our group decided we would like to repeat the experience, and this time we would like to explore Panama!!
We met for discussion over a box of Sangria and left the details up to Jeanetta Owens Of La Terraza Guest House and La Terraza Travel to put together the perfect trip!
The Result --
An exciting fun-filled Seven Day adventure tour that took us down the Pacific Side of Costa Rica by Jaco and Manuel Antonio to Panama and back up the Caribbean Side through Puerto Viejo. All hotel accommodations and border crossing details were made for us, down to a private water taxi to take our group to and from the island of Bocas del Toro. All we had to do was show up (on time) for the bus departure at 6:00am.
And speaking of the bus, it didn't hurt that we had Miguel the best damn driver (and dancer) EVER!
Miguel makes the Panama trip weekly, knows all the good spots and excursions and was a load of fun! I would ride with him again, anytime!
So sit back and enjoy the ride. I will include commentary and video for highlights of our stops.
The Panama Jammin Tour is being fine tuned and will be available for booking in the coming months.
I will let you know how you can make reservations for yourself and/or your group, so stay tuned.
In the meantime
Let's get this party started!
Please enjoy meeting our group and a portion of Day 1.
Does anyone else realize that this is the FOURTH video I have done this week?
Your girl will be takin a much needed break for the next few days!!
But I'll be back with Video 2 next week
Have a Great Weekend!
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