Monday, January 9, 2017

Meet our Neighbors - Our Life in Costa Rica

Hahaha bet you thought the parties were over!!

Well, not so fast. The holiday parties may be over but appears there is pretty much non stop activity going on in this neck of the woods (El Cajon). They call it the party ridge.

I have such a hard time answering the question "So what do you do all day?" If you read this blog you pretty much know the answer to that question. We are busy almost all the time!!

Saturday night we went to a birthday dinner and tonight (Sunday) we were invited to a dinner party (if the house looks familiar, that's because it is. It is the home of Jim & Irina. They are the couple that hosted the Solstice Party a few weeks ago)

Dinner was to meet these two -- Roy & Kimberly - our neighbors. They live about 3 houses up the hill from us on the same side of the street. Imagine. We have never even seen them. Their house is behind a very tall gate, so that might be why. Kimberly is a co instructor for a yoga class further up on our ridge and...I am going to start going. Meeting time 6:45am tomorrow!  We have to w-a-l-k up the ridge to the class, however the classes are free. 

This was NOT even one of my New Year's resolutions!!! 

Kimberly is also an interior designer and did the interior design for Jim & Irina's beautiful house.

The menu was spaghetti. Irina made homemade pasta with special consideration for Lavanson's vegan diet (which he always appreciates). 

Irina and Jim really know how to host a dinner party. We have been to their house for dinner once before. It is like eating in a fine restaurant.

I brought the dessert - which was a tropical fruit mixto. I spent half the day chopping. Then I made a very good dressing from basil, mint, honey, lemon, lime and ginger. Pretty good -- if I do say so myself. Sorry no photo.

Lots of wine and rum! Of course Irina makes her own bread too - as many expats here do. It is "heaven" Yum!!!

Jim & Irina have their sausage made to order by the people who run one of the restaurants in town. The outer sausage is using their requested ingredients - fennel and more spice and less fat. The inner sausage is what the restaurant serves on its menu. Both are delicious.

A toast to new friends and old!
and to yoga in the morning!

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