Saturday, May 27, 2017

When The "rental" Price is Right - Our Life in Costa Rica

The other night we went to dinner at our friend's house over on the ridge next to ours. We were excited to spend the evening with these two because we had been planning a dinner date for months and something always seemed to come up. We all finally agreed on May 25th.

Here's a little of their story
Marilyn & Paul moved here from Arizona about 4 years ago. I met them last year when I did a video for the re - weddings on El Cajon. Marilyn & Paul were part of the fall out from the 2008 real estate crash back in the states. When they 1st arrived in Costa Rica they found a house further up on the ridge. Being new here and needing a place to stay, the house seemed perfect. They rented it and were happy to have 3 bedrooms and 3 full bathrooms.

As often happens here in Costa Rica, things changed. The two found that they needed a new place to live. They hooked up with a local real estate person in hopes of finding something they liked within their price range (oh and the couple have 2 dogs, 2 cats and a horse) When they met up with Brooke, their realtor, she told them she had a house she thought might fit their needs. Brooke said she wanted to show them the house and explained a bit about it and that it had lots of land for their animals. They were a bit nervous about how much the rent would be so they reminded her that their budget was $650/month and then asked how much the house was renting for.

Brooke's response "How about FREE?"

Of course they took the house and 2 years later they are still there. They recently added a goat to the family. A few months ago Brooke told them that the owners wanted to "increase" the rent. The owners live outside of the country. "Uh oh", they thought "here it comes" and prepared themselves for the shock. They were elated and relieved to find out that the house would now rent for $250/mo.
In today's rental market we can still call that (practically) FREE!!

We had a wonderful visit them and a very nice dinner (complete with a vegetarian choice for Lavanson) and a sing-a-long with Paul on the guitar and Lavanson on his Native American flute.

Oh and... 
Have I told you lately, that I 💗Costa Rica?

Below is a video of our evening and the house.
Email subscribers please click the link below to watch the video
Casa de Caballo from Devon on Vimeo.

If you are not as fortunate as our friends, to unexpectedly have a free house dropped into your lap,
 you might want to consider housesitting.
The free models are great. You can get a taste as to what's available, where, and when. 
Here are some sites:
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